Friday, October 16, 2009

Two Weeks of Virtual Hell at the Towers

The last two weeks were horrid - budget planning cycle presentation (and grilling), publication deadlines, little sleep, etc.
So, what do I do the first chance I get to be on leave? I'm working on my laptop using wireless broadband!

Have I gone nuts?! I can't seem to wind down.

I've become a trained monkey! Work! Work! Work!

And I'm enjoying it! Oh! The horror...

Looking back, the two weeks of virtual hell wasn't all bad. There were moments of comic relief among my staff.

And then, the two weeks culminated in my company's Policy Address by the President & CEO.

One of his most memorable remarks is this: "I would have failed the corporation and I would have failed my conscience if there is no one within this organisation who can replace me..."

For that, I truly admire him.

Yes, I'm rambling, but I'm blogging again.

Next entry would be on cars.

Stay tuned.

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