Monday, February 22, 2010

Nosy Neighbours with Dark Hearts Beware

Neighbours can be troublesome, especially those who have the tendency to compete with people living around them. Their one-up-manship makes them particularly disdainful and despicable.

Not only do they over do it with "keeping up with the Joneses", they can't stand to see others getting by in peace. Somehow, they must impose their likes and dislikes, as though they are the standard bearers of the neighbourhood.

So, at the slightest imposition by others living around them, they make it a point to bitch and complain, to the extent of finding any excuse to get the town council involved. They forget their own impositions on their neighbours.

One of these people has the tendency to park wherever and however he pleases - him and his family - making it extremely inconvenient for me to get in and out of the house with my car.

Yet another nosy "mightier than thou" neighbour has gone so far as to cause structural damage to my house due to the poor renovation planning and execution of her house.

Have I ever said or done anything to get back at them? No. "We're living in a community", I said to my wife. It's about giving and taking. "So, let it all go," I said.

Unfortunately, my silence has been taken as a sign of weakness. Not content with letting my family be, one of these neighbours has since lodged a report with the town council about my dogs.

Well, that takes the cake. I'll do what I must to sort things out with the town council. From here on, these neighbours with dark hearts (busuk hati) better watch what they do.

I'd be documenting every bit of transgression they commit and I'll be lodging my own periodic reports/complaints with the town council. They want "fire", they got "fire". Let's see how much heat they can stand.

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