Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Move Left You Idiot. How Difficult is That?

Malaysians are some of the stupidest drivers in the world. How do I know that? I meet them on the roads each day!
Particularly stupid are those who think that the fast lane is actually the slow lane. For some banal reason, they stick to the fast lane even though they have no intention of overtaking or when there are no cars to overtake.
Perhaps in their utter stupidity, they think they have the God given right to stay in the fast lane while going slow.
Equally stupid are those who reason in their heads that they can only overtake other cars as fast as the speed limits would allow. Well - hello! - if you're that legalistic, the law also determines that if you are not overtaking (because you're going too damn slow - duh!), you must move left.
So, why do you choose to follow one law but ignore another? The answer is plain kiasu (selfishness).
You get a ticket for speeding, but you don't get a ticket for being kiasu in hogging the right lane.
In any case, being kiasu is for idiots because you not only endanger other motorists who have to overtake you from the left, you also open yourself to road rage.
Just the other day, a stupid kiasu road hogger was nearly rammed from the left by someone who just lost it. Serves the kiasu bastard right - each time the guy wanted to overtake from the left, the kiasu road hogger would speed up, closing the gap for overtaking and then would go back to being slow.
Is this kind of road behaviour really worth it? What's so difficult about moving left if you're not overtaking?
I guess kiasu road hoggers prefer to play dare-devil, hoping that the person they're dissing isn't a road bully.
What a laugh! Road bullies can be meek accountants who need to get to work before the boss shows up or that desperate sales exec who needs to close that important deal at the meeting he's already late for.
Everyone is a potential road bully. Just keep pressing the right buttons, you idiotic road hoggers, and you'll get one who's ready to shove a hard one up your tail pipe.
Addendum: Yesterday, in the SMART tunnel, an idiot driving a Honda City like the one above decided that he 'owned' the right lane, refusing to overtake the car on the left and refusing to move over to left. I overtook from the left and moved into the right lane in front of the idiot just when there was enough space for me to fo so.
Waah! The guy marah sungguh (got so mad)! He started honking and flashing his lights.
So, I did what he did. I slowed down, causing him to be even slower.
And then he backed off, realising that I could be a road bully.
When I was satisfied that I had made my point, I sped off, leaving the idiot in my dust and exhaust wake...

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