Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Busting My Back Gave Me a Renewed Perspective on Life

About three days after Yasmin Ahmad passed away, I busted my back. It's the closest thing to dying for me, because it was so painful, it felt like dying, honestly, what with Yasmin's death weighing so heavily on my mind.
Yasmin and I weren't any way close - our brief professional encounter several years ago ended in a misunderstanding. Nonetheless, she had been such an icon that her death actually left a hole in my soul.
It was like when P Ramlee passed away.
So much left undone. So much left unsaid. So much life to live. Yet, there was no more time.
And busting my back felt close to dying - so much left undone, so much left unsaid, so much to live for.
Fortunately, there is still time for me.
I am recovering as I type this blog entry, and soon, I'll be back in shape for more of what life has to give. But I'm not going to be so driven by the need to reap the rewards of living life to the fullest, because in the end, when death comes, we leave it all behind.
I'm not going to be driven by the need for fast cars, big houses, best paying jobs, etc because when death comes, what matters is whether or not we've done right by others and, above all, whether we've done right by the Almighty.
So, yes, I will continue to exercise to stay young and fit, but not for vanity. I have so much life to live, but not for glory.
This is the lesson, I believe, Allah wanted me to learn. In Yasmin's death, He reminded me of my own mortality. And He reinforced it with the pain of an incapacitating back-sprain.
Alhamdulillah - praise be to Allah - for such timely reminders...

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